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Najnižja cena zadnjih 30 dni: 254.95.

Škornji Tech 7s so bili posebej razviti za mlajše voznike. Primerni pa so tudi za manjše voznike.

Hitro in enostavno obročno plačilo
Od 12.17
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Enostavni nakupi na obroke
Želim, da bi bil moj obrok čim nižji
24 x 12.17
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3 x 90.15
Želim izbrati svoje obroke
24 x 12.17

Leanpay omogoča enostavno nakupovanje na obroke prek spleta. Za plačilo na obroke v košarici izberite Leanpay. Informativni izračun ne vključuje stroška ocene tveganja.

Hitre informacije SKU: 2015017-155 Kategorija:


Škornji Alpinestars Tech 7s imajo zelo močno konstrukcijo podplata čevlja. Ponujajo vam vzdržljivost in zaščito. Škornji Tech 7s so bili posebej razviti za mlajše voznike. Primerni pa so tudi za manjše voznike. Lastnosti, ki skrbijo za vašo zaščito so med najboljšimi v razredu. Škornji Alpinestars Tech 7s so izdelani za najtežje terene.


  • Tech 7S is specifically designed and sized for junior and /or smaller framed riders.
  • PU-reinforced microfiber upper for flexibility, abrasion resistance, water-resistance and weight-saving. Material ensures consistent fit and is easy to maintain and clean.
  • Contoured shin plate is injected with high modulus TPU for excellent levels of impact and abrasion resistance.
  • Medial facing side incorporates TPU panel with specially designed sculpturing for maximum grip contact with bike and improved heat and abrasion resistance.
  • One-piece injected dual compound foot shell with co-injected hard toe protector and integrated steel shank. The shell is highly resistant to abrasion and impact, adds to the boot’s overall durability and improves boot’s streamlining. 
  • Excellent flexion provided by low profile medial and lateral pivot system to offer movement and support. 
  • Instep and Achilles accordion flex zones constructed for superior control and support.
  • Extended microfiber gaiter helps seal out excessive water and dirt entry. 
  • Compound sole is seamlessly integrated into the base structure for superior durability, high performing rubber grip patterning, and feel. The sole is replaceable.
  • Soft poly foam reinforcement on ankles and collar for long lasting comfort and shock absorption.
  • Removable anatomic footbed for comfort and support ensures even weight distribution.
  • Textile mesh with open cell foam for improved air circulation and comfort.
  • Buckle closure system incorporates polymer and fiberglass buckle arms and high-impact aluminum bridge closures for durability and weight-
  • saving. Buckle system features memory and a quick release/locking system with self-aligning design for easy, precise closure and improved 
  • riding performance and security. All buckles are easily replaceable.
  • The Tech 7s boot is certified to EN 13634:2010.

Surovisnka sestava:
– Zgornji del: usnje in drugi material
– Podloga in vložek: tekstilni material
– Podplat: guma

Dodatne informacije

Teža 2 kg
Size 2

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Hitre informacije

ponedeljek - sreda: 09:00-17:00, četrtek - petek: 09:00-18:00, sobota: 09:00-12:30
Noršinska ulica 2, 9000 Murska Sobota, Slovenija
+ 386 (0)31 882 777 + 386 (0)41 362 958