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MOTORCYCLE EQUIPMENT, Protection slidersDAINESE Elbow Protector ELBOW V E1

DAINESE Elbow Protector ELBOW V E1


Previous lowest price was 73.30.

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From 13.36
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3 x 26.43
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6 x 13.36

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Quick Info SKU: 201876065 Categories:


Elbow and forearm protector with adjustable straps     

Elastic sweatband     

Perforation for good ventilation     

Feeding jersey fabric      

Polyethylene sheets     

One size fits all

Additional information

Weight 3 kg





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ponedeljek - sreda: 09:00-17:00, četrtek - petek: 09:00-18:00, sobota: 09:00-12:30
Noršinska ulica 2, 9000 Murska Sobota, Slovenija
+ 386 (0)31 882 777 + 386 (0)41 362 958