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Quick Info SKU: 6506723-1036 Categories:


An ultra-lightweight CE and UKCA certified protection jacket off¬ering excellent upper body protection against impacts.
This protector features an
all-new Level 2 Cell Technology chest protector for ultra-light weight and optimum ventilation. The super-ventilated Level 2 Nucleon Cell & Flex Hybrid
Technology back protector is ergonomically engineered for an enhanced adaptive fit. Both the front and rear protectors are backed with a foam padding
for a secure and comfortable snug fit.
All-new Cell Technology chest protector features a highly perforated shell for high levels of ventilation and protection.
Features a new Cell Technology back protector with a flexion channel for enhanced mobility.
The protectors are perforated for maximum breathability and cooling ventilation.
Elastic closure system features newly designed, quick and easy-to-use buckles that fit a broad range of rider body
Padded chassis for optimized levels of comfort and a close-to-body fit.
Adjustable shoulder straps for an optimal fit.
Bionic Neck Support compatibility with elasticated BNS pull tabs.

Additional information

Weight 2 kg
Size 2

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Motoristične oprema priznanih proizvajalcev.

Velika večina naših kupcev ne ve točno kaj bodo kupili ob vstopu v našo prodajalno.
Tu nastopimo mi – strokovno svetovanje nariše vsakemu kupcu nasmeh na obraz, ko zapušča našo prodajalno polnih rok.
Zatorej so naše glavno vodilo zadovoljne stranke, katerih dober glas se razteza že čez vse kontinente. Dobrodošli pri nas!



Hitre informacije

ponedeljek - sreda: 09:00-17:00, četrtek - petek: 09:00-18:00, sobota: 09:00-12:30
Noršinska ulica 2, 9000 Murska Sobota, Slovenija
+ 386 (0)31 882 777 + 386 (0)41 362 958